Organisations Working Between Cultures


About us

Working Between Cultures (WBC) is a social enterprise that primarily supports non-profit organizations in higher education, the scientific sector and in public administration.

We work with trainings, workshops, consulting, organizational development, lectures, publications and coachings to help people develop competencies in dealing with diversity in companies, scientific and educational institutions and the general public.

We are driven by values and impact. We want to contribute to that people are recognized in their diversity and have the opportunity to flourish on this basis. Because when people feel recognized, they can focus on the common goal.
Our motto is: "Have a mission, don't be a missionary."

Our mission

Our vision is a vibrant culture of togetherness in which people can achieve common goals of a social, entrepreneurial, ecological and societal nature, precisely because they are different and have diverse talents, skills, experiences and approaches to work.


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