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The job board for international talent
All companies on Workeer are looking for international talents like you. Start now with any language skills.
Find jobs near you
Find all kinds of jobs in all industries anywhere in Germany. With experiences or without, we have jobs for everyone.
Only jobs that are fair
All jobs are direct employment and not Zeitarbeit. Next to salary details, you will find all necessary info about the company and your tasks.
Get your job matches on your smartphone
Receive your personal job recommendations via email or WhatsApp and apply with just a click.
Your career coach
Our career coaches are always there for you to support you landing your dream job. That’s 100% free for you.
Get contacted by companies
Grab attention with your Workeer profile and top employers apply to you.
After I came to Germany, I wanted to find work as quickly as possible, but it wasn't easy. I searched many job boards, but many employers were sceptical. Then I found Workeer and the communication immediately felt more positive. The team personally supported me in my job search and I eventually found a job as a graphic designer in a design agency in Berlin.
Your Workeer profile
Create your profile in just minutes and get the attention from companies.
Your job matches
Tell us your dream job and receive your job matches on your smartphone via email, WhatsApp or Telegram.
Apply with your phone
Easy apply with just a click for your dream job. Often without a cover letter or CV.
Your Career Boost: The Workeer Career Hub