Candidates Ahmet Dursun

I’m 39 years old
and originally from Turkey.

I’m not yet based in Germany and live in Berlin, Germany.

Open to relocate for job

Desired job


Job desire

  • Building plumber
    • Construction, Building technology, structural engineering, civil engineering, Construction
  • 24-hour attendant
    • Social care, counseling, therapy, Education and care

Driving license

  • Motorbike (A, AM, A1, A2)
  • Car (B, BF17, BE)
  • Truck (C, CE, C1, C1E)
  • Bus (D, DE, D1, D1E)

About me

Ehliyetim var kamyon otobüs Şoför olarak çalıştım farklı işlerde çalışabilirim montaj ve de montaj anlarım bütün elektrikli el aletleri kullanırım

Yüksek performans

Previous experiences

  • 1 month

    Apprenticeship: Electrician

    03/2024 - 04/2024
    Cologne, Germany
    Önemli dehil
    Status: Not completed
  • 1 month

    Electrical Technician

    03/2024 - 03/2024
    Cologne, Germany
  • 4 years

    Studies: Şoför

    03/2020 - 03/2024
    Cologne, Germany
    Status: Not completed

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