Candidates : Kebbeh Ceesay
I’m 37 years old
and originally from Gambia.
I’m in Germany for 10 years and 8 months
and live in Leutenbach, Germany.
and originally from Gambia.
I’m in Germany for 10 years and 8 months
and live in Leutenbach, Germany.
Desired job
I speak
Job desire
Care assistant
- Health care and nursing, Health & Medical
Automotive engineer
- Mechanical and plant engineering, Engineering and plant bulding
Support staff
- Other services
Previous experiences
- 3 years
4 monthsSupervisor und Kassierer
09/2009 - 01/2013Serekunda, GambiaGam Gas - 1 year
Fachkraft an der Tankstelle
09/2008 - 09/2009Banja, Bosnien Und HerzegowinaGam Gas - 7 years
Apprenticeship: weiterführende Schule
09/2001 - 09/2008Mansa Konko, GambiaTahir AhmadiyyaStatus: Completed successfully