Candidates Omer Burak Gokbulut

I’m 32 years old
and originally from Turkey.

I’m not yet based in Germany and live in Istanbul, Turkey.

Open to relocate for job

Desired job

I’m looking for a permanent position in the area of Full Stack Developer (Full Stack Developer).

Previous experiences

  • 3 years
    1 month

    Software Developer

    01/2022 - 03/2025
    Ankara, Turkey
  • 1 year
    9 months

    Software Developer

    04/2020 - 01/2022
    Ankara, Turkey
    Arkadas Publishing
  • 5 years
    9 months

    Apprenticeship: Computer Engineering %100 English

    09/2011 - 06/2017
    , Turkey
    Status: Completed successfully

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