Candidates Mohammad Alhammad

I’m 47 years old
and originally from Syria.
I’m in Germany for 9 years and 6 months
and live in Hütschenhausen, Germany.

Desired job

Apprenticeship Full-time Minijob

Job desire

  • Warehouse worker
    • Warehouse, Transportation & Logistics
  • Handel
  • Construction helper
    • Construction, Building technology, structural engineering, civil engineering, Construction

Previous experiences

  • 2 months

    Arbeitsweltorientierte Maßnahme für Ausländer

    07/2016 - 09/2016
    Kaiserslautern, Germany
    GFU Kaiserslautern Berufliche Bildung und Beratung GmbH
  • 19 years


    09/1996 - 09/2015
    Damaskus, Syria
    eigene kleine Wäscherei
  • 3 years

    Apprenticeship: Gymnasium

    09/1993 - 09/1996
    Damaskus, Syria
    Status: Completed successfully

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