Candidates : Furkan Çelİk

I’m 32 years old
and originally from Turkey.
I’m in Germany for 4 years and 7 months
and live in Emet, Turkey.
and originally from Turkey.
I’m in Germany for 4 years and 7 months
and live in Emet, Turkey.
Desired job
I’m looking for an internship, an apprenticeship, a permanent position or a minijob in the area of 10 years experience and productions skills (10 years experience and productions skills), autocad,architectural,plaster experiencies (autocad,architectural,plaster experiencies), sereach and devolopment(ar-ge) experienecies (sereach and devolopment(ar-ge) experienecies), mining experiencies (mining experiencies), qulity control head chief experience (qulity control head chief experience), organizations experiencies (organizations experiencies), work machine licences,mining experience (work machine licences,mining experience) or travel (travel).
I speak
Previous experiences
- 3 years
5 monthsApprenticeship: istanbul universty
08/2019 - 01/2023Istanbul, Turkeygoverment universtyStatus: Not completed - 3 years
5 monthsStudies: managment informations systems(IT)
08/2019 - 01/2023Istanbul, Turkeyistabul universty0Status: Not completed - 2 years
quality head tecnician
- 4 years
8 monthsStudies: sosyology
05/2016 - 01/2021Eskişehir, Turkeyanatolia universty0Status: Not completed - 2 years
logistic staff
- 5 years
7 monthsApprenticeship: anatolia universty
06/2015 - 01/2021Eskişehir, Turkeygoverment universtyStatus: Not completed - 1 year
sales managment
01/2015 - 01/2016Tavşanlı, Turkeytekdemir group - 6 years
5 monthsApprenticeship: open plan hishschool
01/2007 - 06/2013Ankara, Turkeynight schoolStatus: Completed successfully - 5 years
office staff
01/2006 - 01/2011Tavşanlı, Turkeyfamily company