Candidates Eray Arslan

I’m 37 years old
and originally from Turkey.
I’m in Germany for 6 years less than one month
and live in Berlin, Germany.

Desired job

I’m looking for an internship, an apprenticeship, a permanent position or a minijob in the area of Elektroingenieur (Elektroingenieur).

About me

I would describe myself as an ambitious, hardworking, and sincere person. I am enthusiastic about taking up new challenges in my business and social life. Faithful and joyful is what my friends would describe me as.

I started my career as a lighting designer in 2012 and gained remarkable experience in lighting design. Later, I worked as an Operation And Maintenance Engineer in an elite electricity distribution company. After optimizing my technical skills, I chose to carry out my own projects and establish my own company. I continue to develop my expertise in smart-grid and renewable energy.

My career aspiration is to produce modern and utilitarian issues combining theoretical and functional knowledge for the sake of science.

Previous experiences

  • 2 years
    11 months

    Project Manager

    09/2018 - 08/2021
    Ankara, Turkey
    Smarty Technology
  • 3 years
    3 months

    Operation and Maintenance Engineer

    12/2014 - 03/2018
    Ankara, Turkey
  • 1 year
    8 months

    Lighting Designer

    03/2012 - 11/2013
    Istanbul, Turkey
    Zeve Lighting
  • 7 years
    11 months

    Studies: Elektroingenieur

    09/2005 - 08/2013
    Istanbul, Turkey
    Yildiz Technical University
    Bachelor of Science
    Status: Degree recognized in Germany

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