Candidates : Mehmet Yağmur

I’m 22 years old
and originally from Turkey.
and originally from Turkey.
I’m not yet based in Germany and live in Izmir, Turkey.
Open to relocate for job
Desired job
I’m looking for a permanent position in the area of depolama personeli (depolama personeli), otomotiv parçaları üretiminde çalışmak (otomotiv parçaları üretiminde çalışmak) or personel hizmeti vermek (personel hizmeti vermek).
I speak
Driving license
- Car (B, BF17, BE)
About me
Hallo, mein Name ist Mehmet Yagmur. Ich bin 21 Jahre alt und lebe in der Türkei. Ich habe im technischen Service und in der Lagerlogistik gearbeitet und meinen Abschluss in der Abteilung für Elektroelektronik gemacht.
Previous experiences
- 6 months
depo elemanı
07/2020 - 02/2021Izmir, Turkeytrendyol - 8 months
Apprenticeship: eletrikli ev aletleri
09/2019 - 05/2020Izmir, Turkeyarçelik bekoStatus: Completed successfully - 8 months
stajyer teknisyen
09/2019 - 05/2020Izmir, Turkeyarçelik