Candidates Nwar Aljghine

I’m 29 years old
and originally from Syria.

I’m not yet based in Germany and live in Damascus, Syria.

Open to relocate for job

Desired job

Full-time Part-time Minijob Internship Trainee Volunteer

Job desire

  • Agricultural businessman/agricultural saleswoman
    • Agriculture, horticulture, forestry, Environment and nature

About me

انا نوار من سوريا عمري 28 متخرجة من كلية الزراعة جامعة دمشق ابحث عن عمل جزئي او كلي او تدريب في مجال البستنة وزراعة المحاصيل الحقلية

Previous experiences

  • 3 years
    9 months

    Agricultural businessman/agricultural saleswoman

    05/2019 - 02/2023
    Damascus, Syria
  • 6 years

    Studies: Agricultural Engineering

    09/2013 - 09/2019
    Damascus, Syria
    Status: Degree recognized in Germany

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