Candidates Maria Irene Marino

I’m 28 years old
and originally from Italy.
I’m in Germany for 6 years less than one month
and live in Munich, Germany.

Desired job

I’m looking for a permanent position in the area of Tourismus (Tourismus).

Previous experiences

  • 1 year
    9 months

    Front Desk Receptionist

    03/2019 - 12/2020
    Munich, Germany
  • 1 month

    Verkäuferin in Geschäften

    12/2018 - 12/2018
    Siena, Italy
  • 1 month

    Praktikum als Info-Point

    10/2017 - 11/2017
    Siena, Italy
    Comune di Siena
  • 1 month

    Praktikum als Co-Professor

    04/2017 - 05/2017
    Munich, Germany
    LMU München
  • 4 years

    Studies: Sprach-und Kulturvermittlung Tourismus/Wirtschaft

    10/2014 - 10/2018
    Siena, Italy
    Universitá per Stranieri di Siena
    Status: Completed successfully

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