Candidates Anastasiia Selezen

I’m 26 years old
and originally from Ukraine.
I’m in Germany for 2 years and 11 months
and live in Berlin, Germany.

Desired job

I’m looking for a permanent position in the area of Data science, Machine Learning (Data science, Machine Learning).

About me

I am Anastasiia. I am from Ukraine, Kharkiv. I have about 2 years of experience in Data Science and Machine Lerning fields. My hobbies are dancing and aeirial gymnastics.

I am looking for a job because due to situation in my country I need to start my life from scratch.

Previous experiences

  • 1 year
    3 months

    Studies: Artificial Intelligence Systems

    09/2019 - 12/2020
    Charkiw, Ukraine
    Masters of Science
    Status: Completed successfully
  • 2 years
    10 months

    Data scientist

    06/2019 - 04/2022
    Charkiw, Ukraine
  • 2 years
    8 months

    Studies: Computer Science

    09/2015 - 05/2018
    Charkiw, Ukraine
    Bachelor of Science
    Status: Completed successfully

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