Candidates Asefeh Estanzehi

I’m 27 years old
and originally from Afghanistan.
I’m in Germany for 10 months
and live in Weilheim in Oberbayern, Germany.

Desired job

Full-time Part-time Apprenticeship Minijob Internship

Job desire

  • Medical economist
    • Social and health management, Medical
  • Economist
    • Science, education, research and development, Science
  • Advertising salesperson
    • Sales, consulting, purchasing, Economy and finance
  • Social media manager
    • Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations, Economy and finance
  • Agricultural economist
    • Agriculture, horticulture, forestry, Environment and nature
  • Archive, library and information assistant
    • Print media, Media
  • Archivist
    • Journalism, Media
  • Bank employee - international banking
    • Banking, finance and insurance, Economy and finance
  • Book and media economist
    • Print media, Media
  • Commercial assistant
    • Trade, Economy and finance
  • Commercial clerk
    • Trade, Economy and finance
  • Business Development Manager
    • Management, Organization, Economy and finance
  • Business economist
    • Banking, finance and insurance, Economy and finance
  • Community Interpreter
    • Business consulting, business services, Economy and finance
  • Interpreter
    • Translation, Education and care
  • Event Manager
    • Management, Organization, Economy and finance
  • Office assistant - focus on notary's office
    • Law, Politics and law
  • Travel agency assistant
    • Tourism, Hospitality and tourism
  • Sales Manager
    • Sales, consulting, purchasing, Economy and finance

About me

Dear sir/ madam
I am Asefa Estanezahi( Stanikzai), a well-known women's rights activist from Afghanistan, who has a master's degree in economics ( economy planning system) and experience working in the Afghan embassy in Iran (before the Taliban).
My English is perfect and Even though it has been less than six months since I came to Germany, I have learned to learn German up to the A2 level through the Internet, and from June 3rd onwards, my classes will start at 5:30 pm in the evening, so I can spend time every day before half past five for internship and cooperation with you.
For more information

I am also currently one of the founding members of Roshan Online University of Afghanistan for Afghan women and girls, which covers about seven thousand students in various fields.

Previous experiences

  • 6 months

    Office Administrator

    01/2021 - 08/2021
    Kerman, Iran
    Afghanistan Embassy in Iran
  • 3 years

    Studies: Master in Economy planning system

    11/2019 - 11/2022
    Rafsanjan, Iran
    Vali asr university of Rafsanjan
    Master of Economics
    Status: Completed successfully
  • 3 years
    11 months

    Studies: Bachelor of Islamic Economics

    09/2015 - 08/2019
    Rafsanjan, Iran
    Vali asr university of Rafsanjan
    Bachelor of Islamic Economics
    Status: Completed successfully

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