Candidates Inna Ignatenko

I’m 39 years old
and originally from Ukraine.
I’m in Germany for 2 years and 11 months
and live in Berlin, Germany.

Desired job

I’m looking for a permanent position or a minijob in the area of Customer Care Services (Customer Care Services).

About me

Almost 11 years of experience in aviation industry as a Flight Attendant. Used to work for two different airlines in a multicultural environment. Know what is that to work under pressure, following all of the deadlines. Fast learner, know everything about customer service. Prefer remote jobs due to the situation in my home country, Ukraine. Long time ago used to live in Germany, so have some knowledge of German language, hope to improve it soon. Would be interested to work in some sport companies, doing customer service or any administrative jobs, travelling and aviation fields. Love communication and to learn new things.

To secure safety and security to myself and my family who are still in Ukraine, ability to work from any place in the world remotely.

Previous experiences

  • 2 years

    Studies: Aviation Security Management

    01/2014 - 01/2016
    Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    Edith Cowan University of Australia (UAE branch)
    Diploma in Aviation Security
    Status: Completed successfully
  • 8 years
    6 months

    First Class Flight Attendant

    01/2011 - 08/2019
    Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    Emirates Airlines
  • 2 years
    3 months

    Cabin Supervisor

    10/2008 - 01/2011
    Kiev, Ukraine
    Wizzair Airlines
  • 4 years
    11 months

    Studies: Reisen und Tourismus

    01/2003 - 01/2008
    Kiev, Ukraine
    Kyiv University of Culture and Arts
    Master in Travelling and Tourism
    Status: Completed successfully

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