Candidates Ymerli Agaj

I’m 30 years old
and originally from Albania.
I’m in Germany for 9 years and 9 months
and live in Mettmann, Germany.

Desired job

Apprenticeship Full-time Minijob

Job desire

  • Support staff
    • Other services

About me

I am very responsible at work, strict with schedule and work conditions.
Fairly clever with lots of ambition and always do my best .
I am sociable, i can work in team without problem.
Always create great relationships with my colleagues and superiors .

My number : 015780967884

Work hard

Previous experiences

  • 2 years
    9 months

    Apprenticeship: General school "Shengjergj "

    09/2010 - 06/2013
    Tirana, Albania
    Ministry of education
    Status: Completed successfully
  • 5 years

    Agriculture / Farmer

    06/2010 - 06/2015
    Tirana, Albania
    self employed

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