Candidates Haydar Berkay Cevher

I’m 25 years old
and originally from Turkey.

I’m not yet based in Germany and live in Łódź, Polen.

Open to relocate for job

Desired job

I’m looking for an internship, an apprenticeship, a permanent position or a minijob in the area of employee (employee), employee (employee), employee (employee), employee (employee), employee (employee), employee (employee), employee (employee), employee (employee) or employee (employee).

About me

hello my name is haydar berkay Cevher. I am a citizen of the Republic of Turkey but residing in Poland. (D type student visa). When I was in Turkey, I was studying History and Local Administrations at Marmara University, but I left these departments in my last year and came to language education. I am currently looking for a job in Germany in order to improve my English and German and to gain work experience at the same time. My previous work experiences are Coffe Shop management, Barista, Market staff and university club manager and president. I love playing the guitar and dancing tango.

I think that working experience in Germany will add a lot of positive value to me especially. In this way, I will have the opportunity to le

Previous experiences

  • 2 months


    07/2022 - 09/2022
    Istanbul, Turkey
    Blak Coffe Company
  • 10 months


    09/2021 - 07/2022
    Istanbul, Turkey
    Pure Black Coffe Shop
  • 3 months


    06/2021 - 09/2021
    İzmit, Turkey
    Pure Black Coffe Shop
  • 1 year
    8 months

    Studies: Local Administration

    10/2020 - 06/2022
    Istanbul, Turkey
    Marmara Unıversıty
    associate degree
    Status: Not completed
  • 3 years
    9 months

    Studies: History

    09/2018 - 06/2022
    Istanbul, Turkey
    Marmara University
    Bachelor Of Science
    Status: Not completed

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