Candidates Brahim Elibourki

I’m 27 years old
and originally from Morocco.
I’m in Germany for 3 years less than one month
and live in Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Desired job

I’m looking for an internship in the area of Looking for any type of work in this domain (Looking for any type of work in this domain).

About me

I'm a automobile student from kharkiv Nation automobile and highway university, i couldn't complete my masters degree due to the invasion and i hope to be able to do so in europe

I'm passionate about the automobile domain

Previous experiences

  • 4 months

    Apprenticeship: Intern

    10/2021 - 02/2022
    Charkiw, Ukraine
    Kharkiv national automobile university
    Status: Not completed
  • 1 year
    5 months

    Quality officer

    09/2020 - 02/2022
    Charkiw, Ukraine
    Porsche kharkiv
  • 5 years
    5 months

    Studies: Automobile engineering

    09/2016 - 02/2022
    Charkiw, Ukraine
    Kharkiv national automobile university
    Bachelor in automobile
    Status: Not completed

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