Candidates Karishma Vijay Kumar

I’m 31 years old
and originally from India.
I’m in Germany for 2 years and 3 months
and live in Berlin, Germany.
Open to relocate for job

Desired job

Full-time Part-time Apprenticeship Minijob Internship Trainee

Job desire

  • Warehouse worker
    • Warehouse, Transportation & Logistics

Previous experiences

  • 1 year
    8 months

    Studies: Management

    04/2022 - 12/2023
    Berlin, Germany
    Status: Completed successfully
  • 4 years

    Apprenticeship: Project Manager

    06/2018 - 07/2022
    Mumbai, India
    Status: Completed successfully
  • 4 years

    Project Manager

    06/2018 - 07/2022
    Mumbai, India

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