Candidates Willi Boßdorf

I’m 20 years old
and originally from Germany.
I’m in Germany for 20 years and 5 months
and live in Berlin, Germany.

Desired job

Part-time Apprenticeship

Job desire

  • Retail sales representative - specializing in sporting goods
    • Trade, Economy and finance
  • Store clerk
    • Trade, Economy and finance

About me

Eine Person die es liebt mit Menschen zusammenzuarbeiten und sich zu verbessern.Kundenkontakt ist meine größte Stärke.

In der Arbeitswelt einen langlebigen Partner findem.

Previous experiences

  • 4 months

    Apprenticeship: Fashion designer

    09/2024 - 01/2025
    Berlin, Germany
    OSZ Mode und Design
    Status: Not completed
  • 1 year
    2 months

    Retail sales representative - specializing in textile retailing

    06/2024 - 08/2025
    Berlin, Germany

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