Candidates Mohammed Mosa

I’m 38 years old
and originally from Egypt.
I’m in Germany for 11 years and 4 months
and live in Germersheim, Germany.

Desired job

Apprenticeship Full-time

Job desire

  • Industriemechanik
  • Store clerk
    • Trade, Economy and finance
  • Photographer
    • Fine arts, photography, Art and design
  • Support staff
    • Other services
  • Ausbildung Fachinformatik
  • Ausbildung Altenpflege

About me

As I have experience in trading and business administration and computer science (bachelor degree) I am able to work as a seller or in any job related to business administration or general EDV-worker but also in other fields than my profession I can be of help. I am very talented with my hands I like working in handicraft. I have experience as a photographer and worked as a professional freelance Photographer for several years. Right now my first wish is to be independent from any social public support (Sozialhilfe). I want to bring in my part to this society and become part of the German community.

I am highly motivated to work and learn. I am willing to take up any job or task and do my very best to be a useful co-worker.

Previous experiences

  • 1 year
    3 months

    EDV-Mitarbeiter und Sachbearbeiter

    09/2009 - 01/2011
    Cairo, Egypt
    Justiz- Ministerium
  • 3 years

    Studies: Bachelor of Computer Science and Business Administration

    08/2006 - 08/2009
    Cairo, Egypt
    Delta Academy Kairo
    Bachelor of Trading and Science
    Status: Completed successfully

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