Candidates Nikita Tselovanskyi

I’m 28 years old
and originally from Ukraine.
I’m in Germany for 2 years and one month
and live in Lohfelden, Germany.

Desired job

I’m looking for a permanent position in the area of Apprentice and unskilled occupations Agriculture (Picking.) or Environmental technology, sustainability (I like environment).

About me

Hello, my name is Nikita and I’m looking for a job for me and my woman. We are refugee from Ukraine and we are 26 years old.

We want to earn money to be independent and to help our relatives in Ukraine

Previous experiences

  • 9 months


    08/2020 - 05/2021
    Dnipro, Ukraine
  • 3 years
    9 months

    Apprenticeship: Translator

    09/2015 - 06/2019
    Dnipro, Ukraine
    Status: Completed successfully
  • 3 years
    8 months

    Studies: Philology

    09/2015 - 05/2019
    Dnipro, Ukraine
    Alfred Nobel University
    Status: Completed successfully
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