Candidates Hamdi Hawari

I’m 37 years old
and originally from Syria.
I’m in Germany for 9 years less than one month
and live in Berlin, Germany.

Desired job


Job desire

  • Software Developer
    • Software engineering, programming, Digital

About me

I’m a mix of all things similar. A designer, developer, and photographer. I’m passionate about creating experiences that bring attention to the mystery, wonder, and beauty of the in-betweens. I started my journey in the world of technology in Berlin. I &nished my studies for application programming. In addition, I had experience in graphic design U XD-XI in kamascus. I am still trying to add my mar@ somewhere.

Previous experiences

  • 3 years
    10 months

    Apprenticeship: Software Developer

    08/2018 - 06/2022
    Berlin, Germany
    ]init[ AG
    Status: Completed successfully
  • 5 months

    Lettering designer and advertising technician

    12/2013 - 05/2014
    Bayrut, Lebanon
    Future Graphics - Advertising
  • 8 months

    Graphic designer

    02/2013 - 10/2013
    Beirut, Lebanon
    Karaki printing press
  • 1 year
    5 months


    01/2012 - 06/2013
    Beirut, Lebanon
    Lebanon uni
    Status: Not completed
  • 4 years
    7 months

    Art Director

    05/2008 - 12/2012
    Damaskus, Syria
    Digital Print GmbH
  • 2 years
    1 month


    07/2005 - 08/2007
    Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

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