Candidates Farshid Ghadiri

I’m 32 years old
and originally from Iran.
I’m in Germany for 8 years and 4 months
and live in Birkenhördt, Germany.

Desired job

I’m looking for an internship, an apprenticeship, a permanent position or a minijob in the area of massaj praxys oder gleich (massaj praxys oder gleich).

About me

es mir egal welches arbeit.
ich wohne im badbergzabern 76887
voll zeit .ich bin zuverlässig

Previous experiences

  • 1 year

    Apprenticeship: Masseur

    07/2017 - 07/2018
    Landau, Germany
    Status: Completed successfully
  • 1 year
    11 months


    03/2010 - 03/2012
    Schiras, Iran

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