Companies Alitools

No. of employees
51 - 200
Open positions
Trade, logistics, transport

About us

Alitools - price tracker extension for shopping on AliExpress
Alitools monitors price changes for products on AliExpress, indicates seller trust levels, searches products and provides real reviews, tracks parcels.

Get the products you want for less using price change notifications
Alitools stores a product's price history and tracks changes to its price on a day-to-day basis. This is a very useful function if you want to take advantage of sales and special offers. You can use it to tell real discounts from "fake" ones.

Only buy from trusted sellers
Alitools uses internal metrics to rate sellers, display full descriptions of them, and help you make the right decision.

Watch reviews before making a purchase
Alitools finds real reviews of products. Now you can take a closer look at the product you're about to purchase.

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