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TUD Dresden University of Technology, as a University of Excellence, is one of the leading and most dynamic research institutions in the country. For TUD diversity is an essential feature and a quality criterion of an excellent university. Accordingly, we welcome all applicants who would like to commit themselves, their achievements and productivity to the success of the whole institution.

 At the Faculty of Computer Science, Institute of Artificial Intelligence, the Chair of Computational Systems Science offers a project position as

 Research Associate (m/f/x) (subject to personal qualification employees are remunerated according to salary group E 13 TV-L)

 as soon as possible, latest at May 1, 2025. The position comprises 60% of the full-time weekly hours and is limited to 18 months within the DFG project “Real time characterization of Infiltration processes: chemical interaction and TRAnsport in POLymers (INTRAPOL)”. The period of employment is governed by § 2 (2) Fixed Term Research Contracts Act (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz - WissZeitVG).

Tasks: The successful candidate will carry out computer simulations on porous systems and investigate their physico-chemical properties.

Requirements: university and, if applicable, PhD degree in chemistry or physics and profound knowledge in computational and theoretical physics/ chemistry. Capability of team work and skills in high-performance computing, porous materials, adaptive multiscale methods, and density-functional theory are essential.

What we offer: We offer a position with a competitive salary in one of Germany’s most attractive research environments. TUD is one of eleven German Universities of Excellence and provides outstanding working, research, and networking possibilities. The position will be in the group of Prof. Thomas Kühne at the Chair of Computational Systems Science. It maintains strong ties with the local experimental groups of TUD and the institutes of the DRESDEN-concept environment. The chair hosts its own computer cluster and has full access to the high-performance computing infrastructure at ZIH Dresden, one of Germany’s leading HPC centers. Dresden, the capital of the State of Saxony, is a city with a beautiful historical city center and offers a high standard of living with high ratings in housing, safety, and healthcare.

TUD strives to employ more women in academia and research. We therefore expressly encourage women to apply. The University is a certified family-friendly university and offers a Dual Career Service. We welcome applications from candidates with disabilities. If multiple candidates prove to be equally qualified, those with disabilities or with equivalent status pursuant to the German Social Code IX (SGB IX) will receive priority for employment.

Please submit your detailed application with the usual documents by February 21, 2025 (stamped arrival date of the university central mail service or the time stamp on the email server of TUD applies), preferably via the TUD SecureMail Portal by sending it as a single pdf file to**** or to: TU Dresden, Fakultät Informatik, Institut für Künstliche Intelligenz, Professur für Rechnergestützte Systemwissenschaften, Herrn Prof. Dr. Kühne, Helmholtzstr. 10. 01069, Dresden, Germany. Please submit copies only, as your application will not be returned to you. Expenses incurred in attending interviews cannot be reimbursed.   Reference to data protection: Your data protection rights, the purpose for which your data will be processed, as well as further information about data protection is available to you on the website:

TUD Dresden University of Technology, as a University of Excellence, is one of the leading and most dynamic research institutions in the country. For TUD diversity is an essential feature and a quality criterion of an excellent university. Accordingly, we welcome all applicants who would like to commit themselves, their achievements and productivity to the success of the whole institution.  At the Faculty of Computer Science, Institute of Artificial Intelligence, the Chair of Computational Syst...

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