Bewerber Kristina Voniarkha

Ich bin 35 Jahre alt
und komme ursprünglich aus Ukraine.

Ich lebe noch nicht in Deutschland und wohne in Saporischschja, Ukraine.

Ich suche

Ich suche eine Festanstellung im Bereich I'm ready to teach Russian, Ukrainian and English (I'm ready to teach Russian, Ukrainian and English).

Über mich

My name is Christina. I'm 33 years old. I am a pediatrician by education, I worked in a polyclinic in Ukraine. I enjoy talking to people, giving them advice and practical help. For the last few years I have also been teaching English, Russian and Ukrainian to children and students. I have a TESOL certificate.
My hobbies are reading, singing and learning languages. Besides Russian(my native language), I speak Ukrainian, English, Turkish and Arabic.
I am organized and purposeful, I love people and communication with them, also I love to learn and teach others.

I am sociable and love to share my knowledge. I believe that foreign languages ​​are extremely valuable and I'm willing to help others.

Mein bisheriger Werdegang

  • 6 Jahre
    7 Monate

    Tutor of English, Russian, Ukrainian

    08/2018 - 03/2025
    Saporischschja, Ukraine
  • 5 Jahre
    10 Monate


    08/2012 - 06/2018
    Mykolajiw, Ukraine
    State medical center
  • 5 Jahre
    9 Monate

    Studium: Medicine

    08/2006 - 06/2012
    Saporischschja, Ukraine
    Zaporizhia State Medical University, Ukraine
    Status: Erfolgreich abgeschlossen

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