Bewerber Mhd Akram Alfawakheeri

Ich bin 34 Jahre alt
und komme ursprünglich aus Syrien.
Seit 9 Jahren und 9 Monaten bin ich in Deutschland
und lebe in Dinslaken, Deutschland.

Ich suche

Praktikum Ausbildung Minijob


  • Software-Entwickler (m/w/d)
    • Softwaretechnik, Programmierung, IT & Digital
  • Marketing Manager (m/w/d)
    • Marketing, Werbung, Public Relations, Wirtschaft und Finanzen
  • Sales

Über mich

After I reached the fourth year of my academic study in the faculty of Information Technology Engineering , I was forced to leave my country in the end of 2012 due to the unsafe situations in Syria.
and since then I have been trying to find a way so I can continue with my studies .
I moved to Istanbul where I worked in different jobs , from costumers assistant agent, Independent marketing representative , , Sales representative , to starting my own start up in the business of exporting/importing.

-Start a career life where I can learn and improve , also where I can add from my experience and knowledge .

Mein bisheriger Werdegang

  • 4 Monate

    Sales Representative

    05/2014 - 09/2014
    Istanbul, Türkei
    Quattrou Investments
  • 1 Jahr

    Co partner & Sales manager

    06/2013 - 06/2014
    Istanbul, Türkei
  • 1 Jahr
    1 Monat

    Independent Marketing Representative

    04/2013 - 05/2014
    Istanbul, Türkei
    RUworldwide LLC
  • 2 Jahre
    7 Monate

    Studium: Information Technology Eng.

    10/2009 - 05/2012
    Damaskus, Syrien
    Arab International University
    not graduated
    Status: Nicht abgeschlossen

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