Bewerber Nadine Ropmay

Ich bin 27 Jahre alt
und komme ursprünglich aus Indien.
Seit 10 Monaten bin ich in Deutschland
und lebe in Berlin, Deutschland.

Ich suche

Vollzeit Teilzeit Werkstudent Praktikum Duales Studium Trainee Ehrenamtlich


  • Umweltmanager (m/w/d)
    • Umwelttechnologie, Umweltmanagement, Umwelt und Natur
  • Direktionsassistent (m/w/d)
    • Sekretariat, Kaufmännische Assistenz, Wirtschaft und Finanzen
  • Pflegeassistent (m/w/d)
    • Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege, Medizin

Über mich

Hello, my name is Nadine. I am currently a student pursuing a Master's in International Management at the International University of Applied Sciences in Berlin, Germany. I am deeply passionate about working in the environmental sector because it is imperative to address our planet's pressing challenges. My commitment to sustainability and conservation drives me to seek a career where I can contribute to protecting and restoring our natural ecosystems. With a background in environmental science and a keen interest in renewable energy and sustainable practices, I am eager to engage in efforts that mitigate climate change, promote biodiversity, and ensure the sustainable use of resources. By working in this field, I hope to collaborate with like-minded individuals and organizations to create innovative solutions that foster a healthier, more resilient planet for future generations.

I am motivated by my desire to do the things I love to do and am passionate about while working towards making a difference in this world.

Mein bisheriger Werdegang

  • 5 Monate

    Sekretär (m/w/d)

    04/2022 - 09/2022
    Bengaluru, Indien
  • 2 Jahre
    8 Monate

    Studium: International Management

    02/2022 - 11/2024
    Berlin, Deutschland
    International University of Applied Sciences
    Master of Arts
    Status: Ich bin derzeit in dieser Position tätig


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