Bewerber Kseniia Baranova

Ich bin 40 Jahre alt
und komme ursprünglich aus Ukraine.
Seit 2 Jahren und 10 Monaten bin ich in Deutschland
und lebe in Garzau-Garzin, Deutschland.
Bereit für Job umzuziehen

Ich suche



  • Business-Analyst (m/w/d)
    • IT, IT & Digital
  • Key Account Manager (m/w/d)
    • Vertrieb, Beratung, Einkauf, Wirtschaft und Finanzen
  • Food-and-Beverage-Manager (m/w/d)
    • Hotellerie, Gastgewerbe, Tourismus & Freizeit

Über mich

I am a manager and consultant. I have rich experience in Ukraine in various fields and in different positions. In the companies where I worked, I went from the lower link to a leading position. I was forced to abandon everything in Ukraine and moved Germany from the invasion of Russia. Now I want to benefit the German economy and society through work.

I want to gain additional experience and contribute to the development of German companies.

Mein bisheriger Werdegang

  • 6 Monate

    Ice cream seller, local manager

    04/2022 - 10/2022
    Berlin, Deutschland
    GIMME Gelato
  • 2 Monate


    08/2021 - 10/2021
    Baltschik, Bulgarien
    Balchik Sea View Apartments in Princess Residence
  • 2 Jahre
    9 Monate

    Studium: Psychology

    09/2020 - 06/2023
    Odessa, Ukraine
    Odessa National University I.I. Mechnikov
    master's degree
    Status: Nicht abgeschlossen
  • 1 Jahr
    9 Monate

    Deputy General Director for General Issues

    05/2020 - 02/2022
    Warna, Bulgarien
    Neva Progressive Consulting
  • 1 Jahr

    Purchasing and Procurement Manager

    04/2019 - 04/2020
    Odessa, Ukraine
    Trade company Vostok
  • 11 Monate

    Account Manager

    01/2018 - 01/2019
    Kiew, Ukraine
    Parkovy Congress and Exhibition Center
  • 3 Jahre
    2 Monate

    Deputy Director of the Directorate for Exhibition

    11/2014 - 01/2018
    Kiew, Ukraine
    Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • 8 Jahre
    4 Monate

    Head of Innovation Policy Department

    06/2006 - 11/2014
    , Ukraine
    Donetsk Regional State Administration
  • 4 Jahre
    9 Monate

    Studium: Management

    09/2001 - 06/2006
    , Ukraine
    Donetsk National University
    master's degree
    Status: Erfolgreich abgeschlossen

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