Bewerber Zaid Al Aarej

Ich bin 32 Jahre alt
und komme ursprünglich aus Irak.
Seit 8 Jahren und 8 Monaten bin ich in Deutschland
und lebe in Freital, Deutschland.

Ich suche

Ich suche einen Minijob im Bereich anything :) (anything :)).

Über mich

Concerning the work I am on time, I stay until the work is done and not when the worktime is over. I try to work as fast as possible, and I try to ensure a good quality. I always clean my work place after work. It is important for me. I wish a life here in Germany, so I want to be a part of the community and I want to meet german people to see their life. I hope this job is a fundament for my future. One day I want to be independent from the state, when I get the Aufenthaltserlaubnis.

I really want work finally. In Irak I had 3 jobs at the same time, work is important for me. I dont want to sit around the whole time.

Mein bisheriger Werdegang

  • 1 Jahr

    Minijob in der Gastronomie

    05/2014 - 05/2015
    , Türkei
    Shisha Café
  • 3 Jahre


    05/2011 - 05/2014
    Mossul, Irak
  • 2 Jahre

    Minijob in der Gastronomie

    05/2011 - 05/2013
    Mossul, Irak
  • 4 Jahre

    Malergehilfe Minijob

    05/2010 - 05/2014
    Mossul, Irak
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