Bewerber Francis Okorie Iyeke-kanu

Ich bin 31 Jahre alt
und komme ursprünglich aus Ghana.
Seit 2 Jahren und 11 Monaten bin ich in Deutschland
und lebe in Berlin, Deutschland.
Bereit für Job umzuziehen

Ich suche

Vollzeit Duales Studium


  • Bürokaufmann (m/w/d)
    • Sekretariat, Kaufmännische Assistenz, Wirtschaft und Finanzen
  • Sales Manager (m/w/d)
    • Vertrieb, Beratung, Einkauf, Wirtschaft und Finanzen
  • Verwaltungsassistent (m/w/d)
    • Immobilien, Wirtschaft und Finanzen

Über mich

My name is Francis Okorie a 29-year-old originally from Ghana, West Africa. In the last 5 years, however I lived, studied and worked in Ukraine. I was a student of Medicine at the V.N. Karazina Kharkiv National University’s Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, only moving to Germany some months after the Russian Invasion. I have an approachable, charismatic, extroverted, and highly conscientious personality type. It is certainly helpful that I naturally wear a friendly smile.

My experience has mainly been in Administrative Assitance, ESL, Sales Management, Medical Billing, Customer Service Representation, Technical Support and Hospitality. I am adept at using different CRM systems (Salesforce, NetSuite, Zoho, Convoso), Ticketing Systems (Zendesk, Freshdesk, etc), Hotel Reservations and Property Management Software (Oracles's OPERA 5) and I think this goes without saying, Microsoft Office. Due to my Medical Billing work history, I am also acquinted with Patient File Management Systems and Protocols.

Mein bisheriger Werdegang

  • 2 Jahre
    9 Monate


    06/2022 - 03/2025
    Berlin, Deutschland
    Soho House
  • 11 Monate

    Medical Billing, Collections and CS Specialist

    03/2021 - 02/2022
    Charkiw, Ukraine
    Billing Nerds
  • 1 Jahr
    3 Monate

    Retention and Customer Support

    01/2020 - 04/2021
    Charkiw, Ukraine
    Glutality Health
  • 2 Jahre

    Sales Manager

    01/2018 - 02/2020
    Charkiw, Ukraine
    MD Group
  • 1 Jahr
    10 Monate

    English Teacher and Methodologist

    12/2017 - 11/2019
    Charkiw, Ukraine
    Skyeng School
  • 7 Jahre

    Studium: General Medicine and Surgery

    08/2017 - 08/2024
    Charkiw, Ukraine
    V.N. Karazina Kharkiv National University
    Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBBS)
    Status: Nicht abgeschlossen
  • 1 Jahr
    6 Monate

    Executive/Personal Assistant

    07/2015 - 01/2017
    Accra, Ghana
    Trasaco Group
  • 1 Jahr
    4 Monate

    Store Manager

    10/2013 - 02/2015
    Accra, Ghana

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