Bewerber Fernando Baroni

Ich bin 54 Jahre alt
und komme ursprünglich aus Brasilien.
Seit 3 Jahren und 4 Monaten bin ich in Deutschland
und lebe in Berlin, Deutschland.

Ich suche

Vollzeit Praktikum


  • Grafikdesigner (m/w/d)
    • Grafik, Design, Kunst und Design
  • Toncutter (m/w/d)
    • Rundfunk, Film und Fernsehen, Medien

Über mich

Hello, my name is Fernando Baroni,
i am a non-german speaking professional now studying temporarily Web Development in Berlin. I would like to work in my area as a graphic designer, I don't care about boring repetitive tasks, I'm always on a lighter mood and I think as an Desktop Publisher with Bachelor’s Degree as Graphic Designer and former Google employee could add a lot of passion and disposition to work with you, I also illustrate some nonsense (if I can define the result of my sketches) and I love to retouch and edit pictures, it is quite addictive.
Unfortunately I don't work with UI/UX, I am a bit more "old-school".
P.s: I also compose soundtracks
With all respect, thank you very much for your time!
Languages I speak:
Native: Portuguese,
Fluent: English,
Advanced: Spanish and still in the long road to learn Deutch.
Kind Regards
Fernando Baroni


Mein bisheriger Werdegang

  • 7 Monate

    Marketingassistent (m/w/d)

    08/2016 - 03/2017
    Dublin, Irland
  • 7 Monate

    Ausbildung: Kinoservicekraft (m/w/d)

    06/2001 - 01/2002
    São Paulo, Brasilien
    Film Planet
    Status: Erfolgreich abgeschlossen
  • 4 Jahre

    Studium: Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design

    03/2000 - 03/2004
    São Paulo, Brasilien
    Centro Universitario Belas Artes de Sao Paulo
    Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design
    Status: Erfolgreich abgeschlossen

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