Bewerber Ahmad Najjar

Ich bin 38 Jahre alt
und komme ursprünglich aus Syrien.
Seit 9 Jahren und 7 Monaten bin ich in Deutschland
und lebe in Lorch, Deutschland.

Ich suche

Ausbildung Vollzeit Minijob


  • Technological Engineering
  • Hilfskraft (m/w/d)
    • Sonstige Dienstleistungen

Über mich

mobile phone::+ 4915258166959
Date of Birth : 1st January 1987
Gender : Male
Nationality : Syrian
Marital Status : Single
University of Aleppo , Faculty of Technological Engineering,BSc in Technological Engineering 2006-2013 .
Field of specialty : Technology of Environmental Engineering.
Theoretical framework of expertise:
Design, operation and maintenance of potable water treatment plants .-
Design, operation and maintenance of waste water / industrial plants.-
-Desalination technologies of saline and brackish purification systems
-Design, management and operation of landfills.
-Design of sewerage and rainfall networks.
On-site fields of expertise:
- Designed a desalination system that works by the solar system(graduation project 2013)
-Worked in the Institution of Potable Water – Aleppo – Syria (March – June 2011)
- Worked as a designer and supervisor on WATERJET machine, using the CNC for control,Sharjah- the fifth industrial Sharjah – Oweira Marble Factory (June 2012)
-Got training in the sewerage plant in Aleppo – Syria (November- September 2010)
Practice and Training courses :
- Workshop on designing sewerage networks, Engineers Syndicate, Aleppo – Syria

- A course in AUTOCAD, Engineers Syndicate, Aleppo –Syria (July 2009)

-Arabic: mother tongue
English: very good-
- Japanese: Good

Computer skills:
- Windows 7 , XP, vista
- MS office ( Word , Excel , Power point , Outlook )
- AutoCAD 2D
- DWA A German software for designing and selection of Activated sludge waste water treatment systems
- Epanet ( a water networks designing software)
Other information:
Syrian driving license
Will be available upon request

Good work and benefit the community

Mein bisheriger Werdegang

  • 8 Jahre

    Studium: Faculty of Technological Engineering, : Technology of Environmental Engineering.

    09/2005 - 10/2013
    Aleppo, Syrien
    University of Aleppo
    University of Aleppo ,Faculty of Technological Engineering
    Status: Abschluss in Deutschland anerkannt
  • 2 Jahre
    11 Monate

    Studium: Electricity and Electron vehicles

    09/2001 - 08/2004
    Aleppo, Syrien
    First Industrial Institute in the city of Aleppo
    Electricity and Electron vehicles
    Status: Abschluss in Deutschland anerkannt

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