Bewerber Martins Adedeji Oni

Ich bin 55 Jahre alt
und komme ursprünglich aus Nigeria.
Seit 20 Jahren und einem Monat bin ich in Deutschland
und lebe in Berlin, Deutschland.
Bereit für Job umzuziehen

Ich suche

Vollzeit Ehrenamtlich Freelance


  • IT-Sicherheitsmanager (m/w/d)
    • IT, IT & Digital
  • IT-Analytiker (m/w/d)
    • IT, IT & Digital
  • IT-Systemadministrator (m/w/d)
    • IT, IT & Digital
  • IT Security Consultant (m/w/d)
    • IT, IT & Digital
  • Eher Cyber Security Spezialist (ist gängier im IT Bereich; Victoria)
    • IT, IT & Digital
  • First/Second Level Supporter (m/w/d)
    • IT, IT & Digital


  • Auto (B, BF17, BE)

Über mich

As a Cybersecurity and Information Security Specialist, I have expertise in penetration testing, SOC analysis, incident response, and ISO compliance. My strong foundation in IT security, combined with proficiency in MERN stack web development, allows me to approach security challenges with a well-rounded perspective.

With hands-on experience in safeguarding digital assets and infrastructure, I am committed to enhancing cybersecurity resilience and ensuring the integrity of digital environments. My unique blend of security expertise and web development skills positions me to identify vulnerabilities, mitigate risks, and implement robust security measures effectively.

Passionate cybersecurity specialist dedicated to protecting digital assets through expertise in security, compliance, and threat mitigation.

Mein bisheriger Werdegang

  • 1 Jahr

    Studium: Cyber Security Engineer

    04/2023 - 04/2024
    Oberursel (Taunus), Deutschland
    Eurotech Study GmbH
    Status: Erfolgreich abgeschlossen
  • 1 Jahr
    4 Monate

    Studium: Web Development

    05/2021 - 09/2022
    Berlin, Deutschland
    Digital Carrier Institute
    Status: Erfolgreich abgeschlossen

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