Bewerber : Mehmet Sadi Yildirim

und komme ursprünglich aus Türkei.
Seit 8 Jahren und 2 Monaten bin ich in Deutschland
und lebe in Altendiez, Deutschland.
Ich suche
Ich spreche
Über mich
Well , I have graduated from vocational highschool . My department was IT , specialized of Web designing, animation and progmaing, but during my years in high school, I was studying for English like a hobby , but then I realized that I have linguistical skills also( maybe more then my IT knowledge ), therefore when I have finished my high school , I moved to Budapest. I did register for the Eötvös Lorand University and my field of study was English and American studies (Anglistik ). At First, I decided to Start with prep class. It took me one year to finish it .Then I took an IELTS exam , my overall point was 6. Whith this point I passed to BA first year first semester. I have finished my first semester and then it was the time when I was just started second semester but unfortunately I had to leave , due to the extremely awful situation that happening in Turkey now. Actually there was nothing for me but for my family especially for my father, he was in a big danger l, so they all ( rest of my family)moved to Tanzania. So for being closer to them I moved to Nairobi/Kenya . This time I registered for the university of Nairobi . But this time I was doing double major which are , English language and literature and other one Teacher training program . I finished two semester there. But when charges against to my father was announced we had only one option , being asylum seeker in one European country. So ,now I am in Germany and it has been almost three and half months. These days studying German is all I'm doing...
Mein bisheriger Werdegang
- 1 Jahr
Online Marketing Manager und IT Consultant
- 1 Monat
Studium: Englisch Lehramt und Literature
10/2016 - 11/2016Nairobi, KeniaUniversity of NairobiBechelor of ArtsStatus: Nicht abgeschlossen - 3 Monate
Sale Representetive
- 1 Jahr
3 MonateStudium: Anglistik
09/2014 - 01/2016Budapest, UngarnEötvös Lorand university of BudapestBechelor of ArtsStatus: Nicht abgeschlossen