Bewerber : Shadia Abdelmoneim

und komme ursprünglich aus Sudan.
Seit 9 Jahren und 4 Monaten bin ich in Deutschland
und lebe in Berlin, Deutschland.
Ich suche
Ich spreche
Über mich
I am a Sudanese female living in Berlin, I was graduated from
Charles University in Czech republic 1987.
I have long experience in working with different regional and international organisations. such as Near East Foundation (USA), Practical Action (UK), ACCORD (UK).
Through my experience, I have become well versed in coordinating intricate projects, including tasks such as developing research plans, implementing methodologies, writing reports, analyzing and quality control, presenting research findings, organisational, and project management skills, Additionally, I have gained the ability to integrate multi-cultural environments where the diversity is highly valued, leadership, and communication skills across all levels of projects, which allowing me to excel in both independent and team oriented environments.
Moreover, I have excellent editorial and writing skills as I as Head of Editorial Team in Strategic Initiative for Women in Horn of Africa org. (SIHA), and also, I am possessing proficiency in various software programs, including Microsoft Office, as well as social media.
Arabic is my native language, professional writing, reading, and speaking English, as well as German language B2 level, and basic knowledge of polish and Czech.
Due to my translation skills I have a great interest in working with workeer. I live in Berlin and permitted to work in Germany, also I am willing to travel.
I trust a review of my credentials will demonstrate that I am a good choice for the the position, of course beside my great interest
Mein bisheriger Werdegang
- 997 Jahre
4 MonatePu bl i c a t i o n Of f i c e r
- 1 Jahr
11 MonateStudium: Master Degree
04/2004 - 04/2006Khartum, SudanJuba UniversitySc i e n t i f i c I n f o r ma t i o n & L i brStatus: Abschluss in Deutschland anerkannt - 4 Jahre
6 MonateStudium: BSc
11/1982 - 05/1987Prag, TschechienCh a r l e s U n i v e r s i tSc i e n t i f i c I n f o r ma t i o n & L i brStatus: Abschluss in Deutschland anerkannt