Bewerber Ledio Hallvaxhiu

Ich bin 29 Jahre alt
und komme ursprünglich aus Albanien.
Seit 9 Jahren und 3 Monaten bin ich in Deutschland
und lebe in Berlin, Deutschland.

Ich suche

Ich suche einen Minijob im Bereich Graphic design (Graphic design) oder Kellner (Kellner).

Über mich

I am a student at TU Berlin, currently doing a preparation year for the university. I like exact science, this is why i wish to continue my studies in Civil engineering. I moved to Germany 6 months ago, and after succeeding in the Aufnahmetest in both Dresden and Berlin i decided to stay in Berlin due to the many working opportunities. A am a fan of photography and video editing. I am may not have the right requirements or the right working experience, but i have something that a lot a people don't. I have a goal, which i strive to achieve. This makes me able to learn new things and to adapt to new situation, this makes me able to be humble and to never give up.

I feel that life experience has equipped me with this skills to move my career forward therefore I like to invest the knowledge in helping others

Mein bisheriger Werdegang

  • 3 Jahre
    8 Monate

    Graphics designer

    04/2011 - 12/2014
    , Albanien
    Studio Ledio
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