Arbeitgeber David Chipperfield Architects

51 - 200
offene Stellen

Über uns

David Chipperfield Architects is an international, design-oriented architectural practice with an independent office in Berlin since 1998.
We support people, who have had to leave their homeland due to acute humanitarian needs, to gain a foothold in their new surroundings.
We would like to offer an internship of 2 to 6 months, giving the applicant the opportunity to work within their original professional environment, to practice the German language and to make social and professional contacts.
The interns work within a fixed project team and are supported internally by a mentor.
In addition we are offering apprenticeships for architectural draftsman (Ausbildung zum Bauzeichner/In) and administrative officer (Ausbildung zur Kauffrau für Bürokommunikation).
We are looking forward to receiving your application (


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