Getting Through the Job Interview with Ease


Congratulations! You've accomplished the first step towards your next job. Now, the job interview awaits. Feeling nervous? Don't worry, with the right preparation, you’ll get through your next interview easily. 

Most job interviews follow a similar pattern. The better informed you are about what to expect, the better you can prepare yourself. Let us show you how.

The Structure of a Job Interview 

Small Talk

Job interviews are usually not as daunting as they may seem. A typical interview lasts about 45-60 minutes. Often, it starts with casual conversation. Utilize this time to ask questions and demonstrate interest.

Introduction to the Company

At the beginning of the interview, your interviewer usually introduces the company and the position you've applied for. They might ask what you already know about the company. Good preparation is crucial here to show your interest. Check out the company's website, press releases, or social media channels beforehand. Some questions for your research could be:

  • What products does the company manufacture?

  • Who are the company's clients?

  • What new developments are there in the company?

Introducing Yourself

The company uses the interview to get to know you as well as possible. Introduce yourself briefly based on your resume. You don’t need to mention anything personal here. Rather present the career path you’ve had so far your interest in the position you've applied for.

Your Strength and Weaknesses

To learn more about you, your interviewer will ask questions about your professional and social skills. Review the job posting again beforehand and think about how you can tackle the tasks.

Prepare Yourself for Common Interview Questions 

There are also some typical questions you can prepare for, such as:

  • Why did you apply for this position?

  • Why should we choose you?

  • How do you handle stress?

  • How do you respond to criticism?

  • What skills do you bring to the position?

  • What are your career goals?

The company will most likely ask about your strengths and weaknesses. Make a list before the interview and think of suitable examples. For instance, you could mention your migration background as an example of your adaptability and intercultural competencies.

Here are more examples of strengths:

  • Commitment

  • Teamwork

  • Communication skills

  • Flexibility

  • Organizational skills

  • Creativity

  • Resilience

Don't worry, everyone has weaknesses. If you formulate your weaknesses positively, they can even be strengths. Here are some examples:

  • "I haven’t gained any professional experience yet. However, I’m excited to gain my first work experience now. I’m keen to learn new things."

  • "I sometimes get nervous when speaking in front of a large group. Therefore, I've learned that I need to prepare well for a presentation to present as confidently as possible."

Time for Your Questions

At the end of the interview, you’ll be given the space to ask questions about the company. Prepare some questions beforehand. You can ask questions about your team or inquire about the next steps in the interview process.

Practical Tips for Your Job Interview

Be Yourself!

Show yourself authentically during he job interview. You are unique and can convince with your own experiences and story! Remember: It's not just the company that wants to get to know you. The job interview is also your chance to get to know the company.

Be in Time!

Being in time is very important in Germany. Therefore, make sure to arrive in time for the interview. You can also ask the company beforehand where you can best park or which bus or train stop is closest.

Prepare Yourself!

The better you prepare, the more relaxed you'll be during the job interview. Prepare and make notes beforehand. You can also practice some of your answers, for example, with friends or your career coach.

Especially with your personal introduction, it's important that you can deliver it freely and confidently. Of course, you can also take your notes with you to feel supported!

Ask Questions!

It’s no problem, if you don’t understand something during an interview. Ask for the question to be repeated so that you can understand it better.

Create the Right Interview Environment!

Sometimes job interviews take place online. Find a quiet place for this and ensure a good Wi-Fi connection. Choose a neutral background for your video. To make sure your interviewer understands you well, you can use headphones with a microphone.

Choose the Right Attire!

You make a positive impression when you wear clean attire. You can wear, for instance, a shirt or a blouse.

Be Confident!

Don't forget that the company is interested in you. Therefore, you can kick-off your interview with confidence. Maintain eye contact with your interviewer. A friendly smile creates a positive atmosphere for the conversation.

What are you waiting for? Secure your next job!

In our blog posts, we do not use gender-inclusive language to make them easier to read for non-native German speaking readers. Of course, all genders are included, as diversity and inclusion are important to us.

September 4th, 2024

About the author

Victoria Baumann Career Coach - Workeer

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